I have a collection of sewing ephemera that I have collected and wanted to display it.
I bought a printers type block drawer and had it painted in an antique white, then the fun began....
This is the wall hanging filled with all the bits and bobs.

This collage shows a close up of some of the items, see that little red tube it is a vintage needle holder, you turn the brass top and the needles come out, there are compartments inside for different sizes.
And can you see the little bobbin spools to the right, so cute!

In the centre of this mini collage there is the reel of thread on the pins with a bit of work done on it,not by me so I was thrilled to find it like this...

In the top frame of this mini collage there is the little red tube with a thimble on the top. If you take of the thimble there is a little spool inside with two miniature reels of black and white thread and the tube down the middle of the spools is metal with a lid, when you remove the lid there are needles inside - this is a Victorian travelling sewing kit, how neat is that?
The two bone handle pieces are for lacing boots or something like that, I just had to include them.
I feel that this wall hanging would look amazing on the wall of someone who really loves needlecraft, so I am going to be offering it for sale, probably on e bay or maybe artfire... got to work out a price for it, but I think it will be perfect for the right person.
Thanks for dropping by to my blog, hope you liked this post

Dawn, your antique sewing collage will be a real hit with someone who loves to sew. (I circle my machine many times when something must be sewn)
I love those little spools and the red needle holder. This is a winner!
oh my goodness!!!! what a lovely job you did putting together this work!!!! can you just IMAGINE all the journey's these items have been on!!! If only they could TALK! WOW!!!
~*I love this shadow box Dawn! You did a fabulous job choosing pretty things!*~
Great job with all the goodies.
Wonderful vintage items--this is perfect!
I've never seen a painted printers type box before-I really like it painted-but oh my-what fabulous goodies yours is filled with! Wonderful display! I almost sold my printers tray but you have inspired me to do my own display for the studio wall, so I'll go pull it out of the inventory that is in my garage sale for this weekend! Thanks! :-D
Wonderful! I love it painted white. I always get frustrated when things don't fit but looks like you found just the right size goodies. Love it!
Dawn this is fantastic! So many little things to see and such wonderful history! job well done!
Hi Dawn - Happy Saturday :)
Love your little things! Do you think if I get out my printer's box or the several other divided boxes I have picked up along my journey that I will get inspired? . . . I'm telling you, if I can't get inspired after seeing YOUR finished project, I don't know what WILL inspire :) Love it, just love it! xo
Hi Dawn
This is truly wonderful and soooo much better when you see it in real life .Amazing !!!!!!!!!!!
Love ya
Lorraine xx
Love al the trinkets that you've filled this printers tray with. Hope you found a good home for it. It's brilliant.
WOW! Dawn fantastic-love all the goodies and how you arranged them into a wonderful piece of art.
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