I have completed the 2nd spread in Manon's Exchange Journal. Different from my other faces, I am sure you will agree. I am pleasantly surprised by this young lady...she is reflecting on her wedding day...
I used viva paints and stamped into them, stickles, luminere paint (think that is how you spell it, forgive me if I am wrong), flowers and pearl paints. I hope Manon loves her.
I will tell you what else I love about today... and whatever else happens NOTHING can top this - I got the results back from my mammogram and it was all good, so for that I am TRULY THANKFUL! Now I can sleep at nigh, well hey ho, I could get a good nights sleep if it weren't for the darn hot flushes - but I can live with those now!
The weather is so awful, rain, rain and more rain but even that can't dampen my spirits.
The postman also brought another Journal for me to work in today so will have to think about that.
Christmas is fast approaching, boy this year has flown by don't you think? Going to book Spain tonight, yes we are going so will have to start sorting what to take down - only going for 8 days though as Jazz and China want to be back in England for New Year, 1st time I will be home in England in 20 years so that will be different.
Right enough waffling, got to crack on... time is flying, Take care and THANKS again for visiting xxxx