I made these to accompany the slippers for the swap on PW, slippers, what slippers you may ask if you have not read this blog before. Well here you are the slippers I made
So these shall be going in the post today to the girls in my Grunge group.
I am currently working on another face, but not on a canvas this time but as part of a Journal Exchange...pictures once spread complete.
The postman is going to love me as I have some Altered books to get in the post too, again watch this space for pictures.
Other news from my little world. Well China performed Dear Mr President in a school production with her friend Grace, I would love to be able to tell you first hand how she did but unfortunately she banned the family from going - nerves! I can't tell you how many people said they were the star of the show... she can sing, she just needs the C word in abundance CONFIDENCE. So well done China, really proud of you.
Jazz continues to play football and his team have lost one game this season so far, so Well done.
I should be planning my holiday to Spain but we may not go this year, shock, horror! I haven't spent Christmas in England for 20 years. The reason? Stuart started a new branch of the firm and feels he may not be able to go as he needs to be there. Fair enough, will have to sort out a tree etc. though as all my decs are at the villa.
Right enough for now, must crack on... take care have fun and smile wherever you are xxxx
Great to hear all your news! Love those slippers Dawn! suzie xx
Beautiful charms & Slippers!
Had to run back and comment on this -- the charms are to die for and those slippers are adorable! I'm loving seeing your art again!
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