Well the blackbird babies are nearly a week old now. Mummy and daddy are busy looking after their babies, back and forth to the nest. Amazing how 4 babies can fit in this little pot and then to have mummy sitting on them too....what a squeeze.
I shall show more pics as they grow....watch this space!
This 2nd picture was taken this evening, mummy is back sitting on the nest...can you see the little baby beak at the front of the pot? There are 3 other babies in here apart from this one, told you it was a tight fit.... mummy is really calm and doesn't mind her photo being taken, you could say she is a model bird...
oh your blackbirds are so darling! just wait they double in size everyday...our little finches look very similar when they're born and then they get like one little feather!!! oh you're going to have fun seeing them grow!
huge hugs
Great photos! I'm impressed Mummy let you get so close!
for years we used to have some morning doves come back each year to lay their eggs in my flower box right outside our picture window! the girls loved watching the babies hatch and grow and leave the nest...this brought back fond memories..of the girls young years...
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