Went to a Quiz night with my mum in law and the parents of my sister in law. We got there and I said we have to sit at table 3 cos it is my anniversary. Proved to be a lucky table - we won 8 prizes on the raffle, a prize on the Bingo/Lotto and then we got a prize for coming 3rd - woop woop. Could have come joint 2nd actually because one of the questions was on the Wizard of Oz - What did the wicked witch of the West write in the sky with her broomstick (answer at the end of this post) my Stuart LOVES this film - I hate it, and he watches it whenever it is on, which is too often for my liking!

it did get embarrassing when our winning raffle tickets kept coming out - but hey we put in our 4 euros to support the dog charity and you have to be in it to win it!
I have been busy with my copic markers, practicing - trying to work out the best skin tones so the only way to do it is trial and error...

This was my 1st creation - done in the copic pad as the paper is bleed proof - I liked the tones on this but still need to practice with the layering and blending - to stop the harsh lines.

This one I drew in the pad and then cut around the girl and pasted it to scrapbook paper and added the text - in a moleskine journal.
The colors on this photo are not true - it is not as dark but looking at it I should have stuck with the colors I used for the 1st attempt - but like I said trial and error.
That's all for this post folks
Love and hugs DAWN XXX
OH yes and the answer was "surrender Dorothy"
Love the first woman! Colors are great.
Happy Anniversary!
gorgeous women!
And, happy anniversary .....ain't love grand??????
wooohooooo!!!! congrats of all your wonderful celebrations! (anniversary and winning!!!) ((although we ALL know you are a WINNER!!!)) big HUGZ!!!
Happy Anniversary, Dawn!!! Love your paintings-so wonderful!
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