Since my last post I mentioned on Facebook that I had had an amazing day- that was on Thursday. I have been buzzing since then, feeling really happy and amazed really. I will tell you why, but first...some news on my chooks.
I thought that 2 of them had been eaten or something as I heard noise from over in the chicken/duck run.
Went to investigate and couldn't believe it when I saw only 1 chook hiding in the hen house and the ducks making so much noise... My heart skipped a beat, I started looking all around the garden, in the woods behind our garage, round by the Palace Boop a Doop, well everywhere.
I had such a sweat on. Then Jazz arrived home, he helped me look, we were looking over the fence, quietly listening and starting to believe that they had departed. The one remaining chook looked so sad and was standing on top of the hen house shouting out for her buddies. Stuart and China arrived home and were sad that the chooks were missing. There had been a sparrow hawk in the area for the last few days, wondered if it spooked them enough for them to jump on tree in the run and then on to fence.. who knows, so we put some net up to keep the remaining chook safe.
Jazz had one last look and FOUND THEM!!!!! hiding under a bunch of nettles right in the corner of the woods - so HAPPY TIMES! That was a happy event.
As I started of this post I mentioned that I was happy...
Let me tell you why
So I took photos of my art and the originals to the printers to see if they could be scanned and printed.
The printer was actually blown away by my pieces, seriously, unbelievable.
He asked me to leave it with him and he would print them so I could check them out, I asked for A4 size.
I then got a call from him to say that he had printed one and would I like to come and see it, so I scooted back to the printers.
When I walked through the door, there was my "Sewing Muse" in A2 size hanging on a string line, I have to confess I gasped to see her so big and to see how much detail could be seen on the print.
I mentioned that I asked for A4 and he said that he wanted me to see it BIG! So he printed it big.
We were chatting about it when I women came in just as he was showing me an A4 glossy print of my "Journal Muse" (the one with the pen nibs) I was just saying that I didn't want glossy prints, the women who came in saw it and started gushing over it and asking if it was for sale, so I just said "oh give me £15 for it" well I have never seen anyone get money out of their purse so fast. That was a buzz.
But there is more... (hope you are still with me lol)
So Myles (the printer) said he would do the other Muses, "No Time", and "Diamonds are Forever" and would give me a call when they were done.
I have to say they look amazing but the amazing thing is what Myles did for me next, he phoned the person who does the frames for his canvases and introduced me to him over the phone. He told Chris that I was his assistant so would be bringing canvases for framing and should get "Myles rates" that was a sweet thing for him to do.
On top of that he mentioned that Chris might be interested in my work to put in his Gallery once he sees I have to take them to Chris next week and see what happens, so I have to confess to being amazed and happy.
BUT and there is a but the reason I was SO HAPPY was that Stuart my husband said about the large "Sewing Muse" we will have to hang that in our home - I am happy about this as this will be the 1st picture of mine that will be hanging in our home, don't get me wrong, Stuart and the family comment on my art and don't get it so this is a PLUS...
I will keep you posted on how I go at the Gallery, if you get this far then THANK YOU for taking the time to read my post, I feel blessed and BELIEVE in me.
Karma is a wonderful thing, helping those in Oklahoma, has helped me to BELIEVE - fabulous
That's it for now
I have a giveway coming up soon, will let you know what and when
Oh my heart was beating so fast at the chooks disappearance....then let out a sigh of relief at their discovery...THEN STARTED BEATTING FASTER AND a rollercoaster ride....WITH ME SCREAMING IN EXCITEMENT FOR YOU!!!!!!
That is so wonderful Dawn! Sometimes others see the potential simply because we doubt our self but I KNOW you could sell your prints. £15 is too cheap, I know you were caught on the spot but don't under sell yourself. I am so excited for you - it is lovely to see your art taking off in this way. Karma indeed, your generosity being repaid in kind. Have a good week x
Wow! I'm so chuffed for you Dawn. I've loved seeing your work evolving and seeing you grow as an amazing artist, so happy to see you're getting the recognition you deserve xx Glad the chooks are all safe too!
~*YAY!!!*~ This is such an awesome post, Dawn!
I am so happy for you! :D
Whew, so glad that Jazz found your silly chooks!
You really do have it going, don't you? What happened at the printers was awesome. I'm happy for you!
Hey Dawn.......did I tell you YOU ROCK? Im soooooo thrilled for you!!your Art is amazing......
happy the chickens are safe
You must be on Cloud 9 right now! What an exciting story about your HAPPY times in The Palace.......the chicks are home and safe and your art has made the big time!
I'm happy for you, Dawn........and well deserved!!!!
Maybe that woman who bought your piece in the shop will come to your gallery opening and bring her friends!!! I know I would be there with bells on!
I know that feeling when you can't find your girls. I have four of my own. They are french marans. What kind are yours?
I agree. Go higher on the prints, and if signed, double or triple the cost.
Jen Morgan
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