
Tuesday Crafting

Tuesdays I meet with friends at the Fairy Garden Studio - which belongs to my friend Jane, there are a group of us Loose Crafty Women, the other being Suzanne and Carol. Anyway each school term Jane picks a topic for us to do - this half term it is making dolls, different types.
What a laugh we had last night, and as you know I don't like sewing but I gave it a go and this is what I came up with - don't laugh, well do if you want, I am

We had to design the pattern, then sew and stuff - she is a bit of fun.

Also I have some news on my "Sewing Girl" from previous post - she has been SOLD and is going to live in the U.S.A.....so thrilled!!!
I also went to the printers locally to see about getting my girls printed for those who want them, this is a first for me and I am so delighted that people out there want them.

When I did the "No Time" girl I had it in mind to do other girls hence the "Journal Girl" and the "Sewing Girl", well here I am sharing my newest girl, she is 10" x 10" and her thoughts are "Diamonds are a Girls Best Friend"

Lots of bling on this girl, look forward to hearing what you think.
True to my word I have blogged again, that's it for now, Thanks for dropping by


Sandie said...

Good to see you back again, Dawn. Your new girl is lovely, you have some very imaginative ideas, keep them coming and congratulations on selling another!

Barbara said...

Divine, dahling....simply divine!!

mIzZ (hONeY) bEe aka Marlene said...

she Great Gabsy time... priceless ~ have a honey of a day... love ya' mIzZ bEe ;O) xox