12 Days of Christmas
Here are a few of the gifts I received from girls in the CCSwaps group. I have other photos to upload too but they are on my camera phone and guess what left the charger at home so can't upload.
This was such fun and I enjoyed opening my gifts THANK YOU to Sweet Pea for hosting tis xxx
I organised a swap with some girls in England and will share those photos with you when I can.
I am all stuffed from Christmas. Going down to Bar Sin Problemas this evening for Charades - men v women, should be a laugh and hopefully no blood will be spilled...
I will post pics if I take any xxx
So here it is Merry Christmas, everybody's having fun...
So where have I been, what have I been up to? Let's start at the very beginning a very good place to start :-).
Well had a really pleasant, uneventful journey down to the villa; I must admit to being surprised at this as normally there is either/or fog,rain, snow, strong winds - you name it we have had all types of bad weather, this year we were watched over and as I say had a peaceful trip... Thank you God.
Got the tree up and the place looking festive, this cheered China up no end, especially as she played a large part in decorating the tree (must admit she did a good job too). Went out shopping, and oh my giddy aunt the prices here have just become absurd. Put it this way I picked up a packet of mini do-nuts (you know the ones where there are 12 in the pack) Stuart looked at me as if I was bonkers, so I'm like "what's the matter? it's only do-nuts" Then he pointed out that those 12 little do-nut were 5 euros, that's when it clicked with me that that equated to £5 - never seen a packet of do-nuts fly out of a shopping trolley so quick. A lot of English people who had retired to Spain are having to return home to England as in the current economic climate they cannot afford to live here in Spain.... let's hope this world crisis doesn't last too long!
China normally buys here new clothes here but she was appalled at the prices and decided she would wait till she got home to hit the sales..
Christmas day was a family affair, which is what Charlie really wanted this year. It was great to spend time getting to know George and Julia, little sweethearts and playing games with Jenny, Lawson, Jason, Mary and Peter (Jenny's parents)
I shall be posting pics as soon as I can; my main priority was to make a posting to my blog so that my friends will know that I am alive and kicking....
12 days of Christmas pics to come too... some wonderful gifts from the 2 groups I was in, Thanks girlies xxx
That will be it for now
(to be continued)
Well had a really pleasant, uneventful journey down to the villa; I must admit to being surprised at this as normally there is either/or fog,rain, snow, strong winds - you name it we have had all types of bad weather, this year we were watched over and as I say had a peaceful trip... Thank you God.
Got the tree up and the place looking festive, this cheered China up no end, especially as she played a large part in decorating the tree (must admit she did a good job too). Went out shopping, and oh my giddy aunt the prices here have just become absurd. Put it this way I picked up a packet of mini do-nuts (you know the ones where there are 12 in the pack) Stuart looked at me as if I was bonkers, so I'm like "what's the matter? it's only do-nuts" Then he pointed out that those 12 little do-nut were 5 euros, that's when it clicked with me that that equated to £5 - never seen a packet of do-nuts fly out of a shopping trolley so quick. A lot of English people who had retired to Spain are having to return home to England as in the current economic climate they cannot afford to live here in Spain.... let's hope this world crisis doesn't last too long!
China normally buys here new clothes here but she was appalled at the prices and decided she would wait till she got home to hit the sales..
Christmas day was a family affair, which is what Charlie really wanted this year. It was great to spend time getting to know George and Julia, little sweethearts and playing games with Jenny, Lawson, Jason, Mary and Peter (Jenny's parents)
I shall be posting pics as soon as I can; my main priority was to make a posting to my blog so that my friends will know that I am alive and kicking....
12 days of Christmas pics to come too... some wonderful gifts from the 2 groups I was in, Thanks girlies xxx
That will be it for now
(to be continued)
Rainy days
Rain, Rain go away... today it has just not stopped raining. So I thought I would share this water color painting I did a few years ago with you all...
The X Factor final is on and the results are in and I am so happy because Alexandra Burke won - what a star this girl is going to be.... 18 weeks of watching and waiting and hoping that she would win and she did! absolutely a superstar talent has been born.
What else is new? Well I am playing catchup now that I am wearing my revamped original dentures, I was able to go shopping at Bluewater with Stuart and Jazz...what a change to be able to go out with teeth in. The funny thing was I went to the hairdressers on Thursday without teeth! can you imagine.... Richard my super duper hairdresser and Danielle hair washer extrordinaire looked after me and made me feel comfortable, so now I feel human again. I treated myself to some I.D. Bare Mineral make up at Bluewater and a couple of new outfits - feel better already!
The countdown to Friday has begun, before then I have to get packed up, work out which craft supplies to take with me.
Monday I am going to see Dwain - he is so busy this week with parties etc. so it will be lovely to get to see him before we go.
I seem to spend a lot of time on facebook which is cool cos I can see what everyone is getting up to lol...
I really should be getting on as time is going to go by in a flash, doesn't it always go like that; you think you have all the time in the world and then time is eaten up and what you wanted to get done is still waiting to be done - so guess what I am going to finish of this post and get cracking... ciao for now xxxx
Christmas is coming...

The days seem to be galloping ever closer to Christmas and I have so much still to do! The flu set me back and also dentures that don't fit... not a good look to go out with. I said to the dentist the other day, "forget lipstick, I carry Fixodent in my bag now" he laughed, I was serious!
Yesterday I had to go for a fitting for a new denture to get me over the Christmas period. They feel so bulky in my mouth and I must admit to shedding a tear this morning as they feel so cumbersome and then New Year seems so far off, I can't wait to get teeth on to my implants, however, my mouth is not ready for them yet so I can't rush these things... enough of that.
The pictures depicting Christmas are from my mates house. I don't put a tree up here in England, I wait till I get to the villa so it makes me feel happy when I see all the festive decorations going up around me. When I walk Stamford at 4 I love it as it is dark enough for the lights to start going on in the neighbourhood and I love to see what house has decorated from the previous day... fairy lights make the world seem so cheery and I love them for that reason. Winter always seems that much closer once the lights come down in January.
I have been receiving 12 days of Christmas gifts in the post, this is so exciting! I am taking them to Spain with me to open over there... I feel like a big kid!
So we travel to Spain next Friday, hopefully we will have a good drive down, I hate the winter drive as the weather can play a large part in the journey - rain, snow, fog all things that are not welcome but possible at this time of year! First thing I do there before I even unpack is put up the tree...have to get festive don't you know :-) So got to crack on, so much to do, so little time - but hey! Thanks for taking the time to drop by my blog BIG HUGZ XXXX

Here it is, the complete set of ornaments for the PW Swap. A wonderful collection for Christmas.. what can I say they are gorgeous and will help to decorate my home beautifully this Christmas (and many more).
I often stop and think about what I have been up to in my life and think nothing much but the last couple of weekends I did something different.
2 weeks ago at this time I was in Calais with friends, browsing in the shops and having a nice meal. It was freezing cold, the wind was arctic but it did not detract from a great day at.
Then last weekend Stuart, China and I got on a train and went up to London. Started the day of taking a photo of Liberty - I wanted to show it to China

Then on to Carnaby Street

I used to go to Carnaby Street a lot years ago, first time there in about 20 years (that is so scary to write!!!) it was fabulous browsing all the little boutiques and this is where I found my gorgeous boots in Irregular Choice
2nd row, 1st pair of brown boots...
So there you have it, a little of what my past two weekends have involved.
This weekend? a wipeout as I have the flu, don't know the last time I had flu - so glad I don't get it often... Jazz bought me a beautiful bunch of flowers to cheer me up, apparently they smell lovely but I wouldn't know lol
Christmas is coming so fast and I have so much to do before I head to Spain, the clock is ticking omg better get better soon...
That's it for now adios x
Here are my WOWs for PW swap. I cut out images, added ribbon and coated with Sepia accents, thinly. xxx
Have you heard the news? Have you visited his site? Tim Holtz is repeating his successful 12 Tags of Christmas over on his blog, all new for 2008. These are the tags I created from his Day 1 and Day 2 posts. Join in the fun, if nothing else you will have fun and try new techniques. I actually forgot to speckle this with a toothbrush (the blue one) so I will do that lol... I new there was something missing!!! Couldn't see for looking x

This blog invests and believes the PROXIMITY- nearness in space, time and relationship! These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prices or self-aggrandicement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prices are cut, even more friendship are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly written text into the body of their award."
I am to pass this award on to those that have crossed the boundaries of friendship without regard to economics, distance or language barriers...visit her blog here (there is a language translator to translate her blog although her photos are just beautiful!)
I received this award from my FRIEND Barbara, and to be honest it really touched me. This award is special to me because of the person I received it from... we have become friends, truly.
And as this award is for people who reach out across blog land I would like to nominate the following for all they do in bringing light and laughter, art and love in to the lives of others through their blogs....this is gonna be hard because there are so many wonderful people who could receive this award from me, here goes.....
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