The days seem to be galloping ever closer to Christmas and I have so much still to do! The flu set me back and also dentures that don't fit... not a good look to go out with. I said to the dentist the other day, "forget lipstick, I carry Fixodent in my bag now" he laughed, I was serious!
Yesterday I had to go for a fitting for a new denture to get me over the Christmas period. They feel so bulky in my mouth and I must admit to shedding a tear this morning as they feel so cumbersome and then New Year seems so far off, I can't wait to get teeth on to my implants, however, my mouth is not ready for them yet so I can't rush these things... enough of that.
The pictures depicting Christmas are from my mates house. I don't put a tree up here in England, I wait till I get to the villa so it makes me feel happy when I see all the festive decorations going up around me. When I walk Stamford at 4 I love it as it is dark enough for the lights to start going on in the neighbourhood and I love to see what house has decorated from the previous day... fairy lights make the world seem so cheery and I love them for that reason. Winter always seems that much closer once the lights come down in January.
I have been receiving 12 days of Christmas gifts in the post, this is so exciting! I am taking them to Spain with me to open over there... I feel like a big kid!
So we travel to Spain next Friday, hopefully we will have a good drive down, I hate the winter drive as the weather can play a large part in the journey - rain, snow, fog all things that are not welcome but possible at this time of year! First thing I do there before I even unpack is put up the tree...have to get festive don't you know :-) So got to crack on, so much to do, so little time - but hey! Thanks for taking the time to drop by my blog BIG HUGZ XXXX
Happy Christmas Dawn .... safe journey and much joy ... good luck with your dentures ... I love fairy light also and you are so right they do make the world a magical place ... Linda F
Oh Dawn I didn't realize you are still waiting on the implants. So the dentures are yucky huh? Well, just think Christmas is so fun that it will fly by (don't the fun times always go so fast) and then it will be time for your permanent pearly whites! Have tons of fun in Spain and Merry Christmas to you and your whole family!!
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