This blog invests and believes the PROXIMITY- nearness in space, time and relationship! These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prices or self-aggrandicement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prices are cut, even more friendship are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly written text into the body of their award."
I am to pass this award on to those that have crossed the boundaries of friendship without regard to economics, distance or language barriers...visit her blog here (there is a language translator to translate her blog although her photos are just beautiful!)
I received this award from my FRIEND Barbara, and to be honest it really touched me. This award is special to me because of the person I received it from... we have become friends, truly.
And as this award is for people who reach out across blog land I would like to nominate the following for all they do in bringing light and laughter, art and love in to the lives of others through their blogs....this is gonna be hard because there are so many wonderful people who could receive this award from me, here goes.....
Oh, Dawn! you brought a tear to my eye, I am so touched..... right now, I have so much happening in my life and have been really sad, and you have made me feel so happy today! given me motivation to get back on to my blog, its been a year and a half and I am still struggling to settle down here! but today you made reached out your hand to me!! So happy! and thank you for the lovely award!
Thanks Dawn!
First of all I want to congratulate you on receiving this award. It is so well deserved. Like you, I find this one particularly moving because I truly treasure our friendship. Thank you so much my dear friend.
HI Dawn
Congratulations on receiving this very well deserved award! You rock, lady - it's a lovely idea. And thanks so much for listing me as someone you like to read and including me on your Award List (how do I pick it up?) Really, I'm just glad someone finds the info useful. Love, love, love your little WOWs by the way(what's a WOW? Wistful Or Wonderful??)I'm off now to look at all your Award links. Susie xx
Thank you so much honey...I have had some problems posting to your blog for about 2 weeks..I think it was me not you...so I defragged and installed new security sfuff...seem to be ok now...Luv Mum
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