Today is my 18th Wedding Anniversary and to celebrate I am going to be giving away this spoon...when you receive it I will have put it on to a chain. So want do you have to do? Leave a comment on my blog and I will check back on Sunday to make the draw using Random.org.
make sure that I can contact you to let you know if you have won
Had a lovely day so far, been out shopping,had quality time with my DH and out for a meal tonight.
No creating for me the last couple of days, I decided to watch a couple of films. Gran Torino was one of them... amazing film, won't spoil it for you in case you haven't seen it. Then I watched Seven Pounds with Will Smith - boy what a film, I cried myself to sleep after I have to confess... again I won't spoil but I do recommend both these films.
Right a girl needs to make herself beautiful for her DH so I shall leave off here
As always appreciate your dropping by big hugs and may you be as happy as me!
Happy Anniversary Dawn,
love the spoon
Sound idyllic in Spain - you're obviously having a wonderful time -good food, good people(family)and relaxation what more could one want love Sandra x
HAPPY 18TH ANNIVERSARY DAWN. Enjoy your dinner with DH and remember all the wonderful moments so far!
Jo~Ann R
HAPPY HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!! love and hugz to you all!!!!!
Oh to be in Spain right now - sunny Devon isn't living up to it's name, it's wet, wet, wet!
Wishing you both a happy anniversary :)
Hope China's friend could come to stay, my DD travelled to Venezuela and back (via JFK) when she was 17 - it's good for them!!
Congrats. This is a beautiful giveaway. Thanks for allowing me to enter.
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Dawn!!!! 18 years is quite a feat in this day and I wish you and your beloved a wonderful, love-filled day. I am new to your blog, but have to tell you that it's awesome. I will be watching regularly now that I have found you! The little pice you made is stunning...
You must be doing something right!!!!!
Darling spoon idea!!!!
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, Dawn. You have just begun a long, endearing marriage. Come October, we will have been married 55 years...all my life.
I love your spoon. I have heard that artists alter them but have seen so few in person. A great blog prize.
Carolyn S
Happy Anniversary!!!!
What a beautiful give-a-way!!
HAPPY Anniversary!
Two great films there. They BOTH made me cry. LOL Definitely worth recommending!
Thank you SO MUCH for stopping by my blog! Hope to see you around again soon!
Dawn Dear....Happy Anniversary to you and your DH.
I love this little spoon...pearls and PW images...how devine! Whoever wins it will be one lucky ducky!!!
Happy Anniversary! Thank you for sharing your special day with us!
Artful Blessings,
Wow would love to win that piece! I think your daughter is really beautiful and your reflection is amazing as well. I sure don't look like that not even in a reflection Dawn! ANyways would love to win! So pick me, I always enjoy your work gf! Sanna
A very happy 18 years to you and your hubby, Dawn. May you have many many more!
Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!
You look too young to be married 18 years with a 16 year old daughter!
I hope you guys have a wonderful day together!!!!!!!!
happy anniversary !! this spoon is stunning !!
Hope you have a great anniversary celebration. Love the spoon.
No wonder you are celebrating! Happy anniversary! OMG! How cool! :)
Much Love and Happiness years to come for you and your loved one!
18 YEARS?????? No way... you look too young!
Well, the biggest congratulations ever - have a wonderful day. Lovely to see you still happy and all loved up! Love the spoon, by the way - great idea.
Love you too dear one.
Happy Anniversary sweetie
pls pls enter my name into your giveaway and stop by mine for a giveaway if you have time
love Sarah xx
Happy Anniversary! And here's to 18 more, and then another 18 after that!
Please enter me in your giveaway, too.
Congratulations and Happy Anniversary!! This is a darling little spoon!
Heather (from PW)
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, Dawn!!! I'm so happy for you! I would love to be the lucky winner of your pretty spoon :)
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