I must admit it does look quite bare, nothing like my room at home! to say the least.
The long white table and the dark brown skinny drawers were a gift from my husband as was the chest of drawers,the shop where we have bought a lot of furniture gave me it as a present - happy days. The glass cabinet was donated by friends of ours here in Spain.
Most of my art supplies are hidden away but there is always something on the go, hence the reason why there are always some supplies on the surfaces...

There aren't many places for me to buy supplies over here so I tend to buy on line, double of paints, inks etc. have one lot at home and one lot I leave here. Then there are the supplies I take back and forth.
I was fortunate to go into the only craft shop here the day before it closed and these next 2 pictures show what I bought.
Everything was a euro, in the case of the paint brushes 3 for a euro and for the charms etc. so I grabbed some bargains.
The BEST bargain was the Viva Metallic paints - I love these paints and have 4 colors at home in England, I was planning on getting more and did so here... saved myself a lot of money because I paid 1 euro for a pot (about 80p) whereas normally in the UK they cost me £4.95...this girl loves a bargain.

I need to get me to a Rastro (flea market) to see what goodies I can find. Oh yes in the morning I am going into an art shop to get me some decent pencils, can't draw with rubbish pencils.
So there you have it, my little piece of heaven...xxxx
Awesome!!! When do I get to come and visit and create with you??? : )
This little piece of heaven looks awesome...love the view. Are the Viva Paints like Lumineer Paints. I hope you find a good "flea market" with lots of treasures...if you could build your self a good stash in Spain you could just leave it there and not have to haul everything back and forth to UK?
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