Gabby and I booked up in October last year to go and do a workshop with Linda (of LB CRAFTS) and Leandra (of Paper Artsy) and this weekend the time arrived for us to go.
Oh joy and excitement, I was like a kid on Christmas morning.
I tore myself away from home (lol) and headed down the road with Gabby, didn't get far, had to return as I had left my glasses... how would I craft without them!
Anyway we hit the road, no traffic on the M25 or M1, SHOCK!!! we arrived in Olney just before 2 p.m.
What a quaint place Olney is, a lovely little village round a market square. Parked up and headed for LB Crafts. Imagine a kid in a candy store, that was me in this delightful shop full of the most wonderful goodies. What was a girl to do? Spend money that is what so I did!
We pottered around in the shop, Gabby and I and then went and had some lunch in a small brassierie in the courtyard. Fatal really as it was too close to the shop so naturally we went back in and spent some more pennies...
A little walk around the square looking in the delightful gift shops and then we headed off to our hotel.
Friday evening was a quiet affair, watching more people arrive, sharing a drink with Sally and Hazel and just chatting - a really pleasant evening.
Oh, I never said who Sally and Hazel were.
Well Sally had travelled from Toulouse in France for the event so she definitely got the prize for the person who had travelled the furthest! We hit it of so well, what an absolute star she was - we did a lot of the projects together, and made each other laugh - if you drop by to read this blog Sally - it was a pleasure to meet you.
The picture below is of myself, Gabby and Sally.

Hazel travelled from Graystoke in Cumbria, and she was another lovely lady - she tended to be working on different tables but she was fab company when we did hook up.
Had an early night as had to set the clock for an early start Saturday morning.
The shop was open before class, resisted for a time then bought a few more little bits and bobs *shush* don't tell anyone lol.
Then it was time for the introductory talk, introduced to Linda and Leandra and the other girls who would be helping, gotta give a BIG HAND to Karen, Jo and Lynne - absolutely stars all weekend, so willing to help...
Then I peed my pants or should that be Pirates of Penzance? no matter I thought I had died and gone to heaven when we were shown what we were going to make... wait till you see (but that is later in the post - so bear with me!)
We started off making crowns which we embellished with metal work, the crowns were our name tags.... wonderful idea!
Then we had to decorate a chipboard/papier mache candle with crackle paint, forget the brand name.. craco I think? anyway it crackled like you can't believe. Stamped on some acetate with Paper Artsy Castle stamps (photos to follow. Decorated a cd with alcohol inks, and made some feet for it to make a candle stand (again photos to follow).
And then we started on prepping the main project... are you dying to see what the main project was? I know you are, so without further ado I will show you, are you ready for this?..........

Can you believe it? now do you understand why I peed my pants (well nearly!) This was a plain cabinet which we painted, and glimmer misted, we made backgrounds out of paper and metal, decorated the front door with metal... what fun, what a delight to see it coming together, oh my gosh it was a delight.
And that wasn't the end of it. Oh know we made little beeswax collages, and did image transfers, oh so much - but the cabinet is not finished yet, I havet to decide what is going in to the cubby holes and assemble them, then I will share the end result with you... but don't you just LOVE IT!
We were so well looked after during the weekend, the meals at lunchtime were superb. There were plenty of coffee breaks and times to shop through out the day.
It was wonderful to meet so many lovely ladies, all there with one common purpose to have a great time.
My phone on my camera was not co-operating this weekend, kept going into video mode so I gave up on it for a time until I could figure it out, more important craftin to do... but I did manage to take this photo of Leandra and Wendy.
Wendy, who is Wendy?
Well Wendy received my altered letter rack as she was Girl of the Month on UK Art Swaps Yahoo group and she was at the weekend. It was fabulous to meet her and to hear that she really liked the piece I sent her (Thanks Wendy xxx)

I will now show you the next project we worked on during the weekend, prepare yourself for more eye candy as I present a Platter fit for a Queen...
We all used exactly the same wooden bowl as a base, painted it different colors (of our choice) and added the tiles and embossed some metal.. the results were amazing, the collage shows the effect using different paints and embossing plates

So the weekend was jam packed. There were 60 ladies attending and it was FUN! FUN! FUN!
Linda and Leandra have to do it all again next weekend and I am sure the ladies who will be attending will enjoy it as much as I did.. if you made it to the end of the post Thank you for caring enough to read this post :-)
I have condensed it (really I have, lol) but I just had to share with you my experience. My 1st workshop, but after the time I had, not my last x
sounds like a fabulous weekend!!!
Sounds like a wonderful inspirational creative time! So glad for you. I've never been to a retreat or a craft weekend or a class. Bet it's a blast. And the things you worked on are great!
OH Dawn!!!!! What a splendid accounting; your joy and enthusiasm shines through your words! I love the photos you shared and would love to see your crackled candle and CD Candle Plate. What a wonderful assortment of art! So glad you got to go (I envy you so). Sending love and hugs, Carol
Sounds like a wonderful weekend. I hope the inspiration stays with you for a long time. :)
One word . . . WOW!!!!!!!!!!!
Just wanted to stop in and say Hi! Sounds like you had a great time....and all the projects sound so fun...
Hope everything else is well...
You are beautiful. The other day, I was thinking 'where the heck is Dawn, I will have to go see her at her blog'
Looks fun.
Love Renee
Dawn my birthday isn't until Saturday the 28th.
When I was diagnosed at 49 I never thought I would live to see 53, so believe me it is a treat.
Well, I guess you enjoyed it then Dawn. Shame we were too busy to have a really long chat, but it was lovely to meet you.
Wowsers! Boy do I wish I could have been there with you guys! It sounds like you had a blast! Did you make a cabinet? The CD is so cool. It looks just like metal! I LOVE it! And the candle is so cool. I wonder if I can get that crackle stuff in the U.S.? I'm so glad you had fun, and I know you'll go again. Once you go, you will find ways to go again, trust me!
Thanks for stopping by at my blog!WOW! what a weekend! This is something I miss in Sweden...we have NO art retreats like this what so ever! I´m so jellous at both You and the folks in the USA You have lots of them! If anyone is interested in having one here I can be Your personal fixer! ;)
Dawn wow looks like you had an amazing all the art you created and lol at all the shopping. Speak soon.
Big Hugs
Love ya Sarah xx
Woohoo, Dawn!
It's me -- Sally!! How I chuckled as I read your description of the weekend . . . and what a GREAT time we had!!! I'm still ploughing through all my emails which were waiting for me when I finally got home on Thursday evening! Have to finish them before I leave AGAIN on Thursday for Paris!!!
It was such fun meeting you and Gabby -- chatting, laughing, WORKING . . . I'd love to do it all again next weekend!!! I do hope we keep in touch and that we'll see each other again sometime soon: either here, there, or elsewhere.
Take care and don't get bored (ha ha ha!!!!) --
Love from Sally xx
Dawn to you dear friend kisses xxx and hugs ooo.
Love Renee xoxoxo
Hi Dawn. I love your accounting of your workshop weekend. Yes, I read every word, and it sounds like it was so enjoyable and fun. Good for you that you went, had fun, met new people, and learned new things. Art workshops are great, aren't they?
I also love what you made at the workshop, especially your beautiful cabinet. It's beautiful. The metalwork is awesome. I can't wait to see what you put in it.
I have a blog a award for you on my blog, so check it out okay? You deserve it!
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