I used my caran d'ache crayons to create my angel and then I cut out some of the Paper Whimsy backgrounds that were surplus to another project and used them for the wings and the plaque. They were printed on Claudine Hellmuth's sticky back canvas sheets and I felt that they would give the piece some dimension.
I wanted to try and get her to look petulant, you know, as if she is saying this is me... take it or leave it. I think it works, what do you think?
I was thinking about it and I think that I have got back into my people cos at the moment I feel like a non person at times, I say something and get snapped at, I question whether I am allowed an opinion - so I find solace in my art. I have my music on and go off into my own little space and come out the other side feeling happy, and hey, that is what it is all about isn't it - creating our own bit of happiness.
I am amazed to see that I have had 18,001 visitors to my blog since I started it - I never dreamed that when I first started that I would have so many people drop by, it is fantastic... and so in honour of that I am having a GIVEAWAY....YEP a good old giveaway.... The prize, mmm not sure yet - well not sure of all of it BUT this is part of the prize click on the hilighted words in brown to see the book....which is part of the prize.
I have 2 copies so one can go to a new home - AND there will be something else - YOU DECIDE. Would you like one of my paintings? a hand made journal, a piece of altered jewellery.... leave a comment to be in with a chance,ON THIS POST and don't forget to say what you would like if you won.
A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who visits, and GOOD LUCK

Congrats on such a great event. If I win a would like a print of this angel. She is totally me (except for the halo, the wings and the blond hair) I can be petulant LOL
She is glorious, Dawn!
I don't expect to win, but if I'm chosen I really can't say what I'd like most as my prize. I love all of your art pieces. I think I'll let you decide.
Congratulations on having had 18,000 visitors! Marilyn
18,000 visitors...congrats! If I were to win, I think ahandmade journal would be just the thing for me!
Not sure if this I am doing this right but I;d love the chance to win a couple of pieces of your artwork Dawn. If I am the lucky one, then as for the 2nd item i'd have to let you know.....decisions, decisions!!! karen
this is lovely dawn! what a very generous, kind thing to do! anyone would be so lucky to win any of your wonderful art! i hear you girl about not being heard sometimes...ain;t that the truth, tho?!
& congrats for having 18K+ visitors to your sweet blog!
xoxo mary ann
Congrats to you Dawn! I get what you are saying. I adore your new drawing, absolutely beautiful. Would love to be entered in your giveaway.
Hi Dawn ,,,I have enjoyed looking at your stuff many times. The comment about being a non person is one that I think many people feel. My favorite "non-person" moments are at stores etc where there are people who you feel could wait on you but they never will look at you. Drives me craZy.
I do believe that any of your goodies would be just wonderful.
Thanks for your generosity!
congratulations Dawn
if i was lucky enough to win anything you chose to send would be great, have a good week.
Wow, that is a lot of visitors. Love the painting you posted. I would be thrilled if I should be lucky enough to win and would be happy with anything!
Love this and would be more then thrilled to win it to! She could be me too I swear! I would say yes she has attitude!
Some of your work reminds me of Klimt! I love Klimt perhaps you should try using some gold inlays in some of your artwork Dawn?
Hugs, Sanna
You have really out done yourself with these last two beauties. I love what you've done with the veil of flowers on the Secret Smile....and her eyes are so alluring.
The other says it all for all of us I think. I think her face says it all.
If I did win....but I never would expect to, I would love whatever you would decide. All of the treats I have from you are so special and have a special place in my heart.
Congrats on 18,000 visitors. I can't imagine that many visitors. Maybe some day.
Christy Laudig
Such wonderful work here! Love what you do on the PW challenges also.
Hi Dawn! You have a great blog and a great giveaway! Thank you for the chance to win and your generosity! Everything you make is gorgeous, so you can send anything and it will be great!
Anything, anything--pick me, LOL! Dawn you're so talented and generous, what a lovely way to share your work and yourself. Thank you! Your angel is gorgeous.
Dawn, the angel speaks so loudly... she is stunning!! Love the idea of printing onto Claudines sticky back canvas then adding to the drawing. I think a print of your would be treasure to win...Thanks Jonni from the usa.
Congratulations! What an achievement, and I also want to say how great your portraits are. These are really stunning.
Hello Dawn! I'm glad you're having a party and celebrating your blog-I'm so happy for you!! Your drawings are amazing!! Would love a copy of Tim's new book :)
Congratulations on your visitors, Dawn! Your ladies are lovely, as are all your pieces. Art therapy is wonderful, isn't it?
The book sounds delightful, and a piece of your altered jewelry would be a treasure for sure!
Hey Dawn!!! Congratulations Girlfriend!!!!! I'm so excited for you! I hope I win... and if I do, I definitely want a piece of your painted artwork!
Lots of HuGGs!
I love this, Dawn!
I love the colours on this painting, and the expression on her face says it all, I love the attitude and the devil may care pose she strikes. Simply gorgeous!
Another good reason why I'm glad I came over here--this is a wonderful giveaway!!
this is ** blog-a-riffic** thank for the opportunity
( mitz_zee@yahoodotcom)
oh goodness...that's alot of BOOPS!!! your art is simply stunning...i've seen it grow and grow....wow....love you so much...just visiting here makes me feel like a winner each time!
big hugz!
Hi Dawn
Just been catching up with your blog and thought I'd leave a wee comment here.
I love your recent 'finds' - that pram is amazing!
You're work is developing so much even in the short time I've known you.
Keep it up xx
well dawn , love your new look blog page(appologies havn't dropped by for a while!)18,000 visitors , thats amazing, well done !! :-) your work is an inspiration to us all, just love it. x gabby
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