So if you follow my blog you may recall that my word for the year was JOURNAL
With this in mind I signed up back in January to do a Journalling Online class run by Pam Carrick over on the Ning Creative workshop (if you click on the title to this post it will take you to the home page telling you about this group)
I have also joined one run by Paulette Insall this is also a Ning group. I think that by doing the 2 classes where the artists both have different styles I will learn more.
I have a moleskine and decided to use this as my first journal. The above image is the start I have made; I am pleased with the colors, they loose their vibrancy in the photo but I can look at it and see the depth of color and I like the result. I have started 3 different background pages and will see how they develop.
The Ning classes have printable information sheets and videos - worth checking out these sites if you want to do a reasonably priced online course.
Talking of online courses another NING group I belong to is Artistic Avant Garde there are courses on there currently - on is by Christy - Digital Journalling; another by Peggy Alborn, Faux Finishes... so check it out if you wish.
Online classes seem to be improving all the time and becoming more popular in the current economic climate...I am happy as it means I can learn new techniques visually and have a forum to ask questions. Classes in England are few and far between so this works well for me.
I also started to make a pendant out of bottle caps today and will share that with you when it is finished...
I am going to keep this post brief but Thank you once again for dropping by x

It's interesting stuff, Dawn. I have been journaling for forty years or so, but today's journaling is a whole nother smoke! Your pages look wonderful... can't wait to see what you put on that canvas. :)
a wonderful start. it's good when a person can take a bit of this and a bit of that then put it together in their own creative way. I'll look forward to many more pages.
angels be with you,
Wendy xo
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