OWOH is still running; if you want to enter my draw then scroll down to the 22nd January entry and leave a comment - only comments left on that date will be eligible when the draw takes place on the 12th February.... there will be more than 1 prize as there have been so many comments.... THANK YOU
So what's new? Well it was Charlotte's birthday this week so I made her this pendant; covered the shrine in beads and used polymer clay stamped with an eye as the centre piece (hope she liked it...) had to drop it through the door as Dwain and her were off for the weekend.
And as OWOH is about friendships thought I would share the Mirror that Lorraine made me for Christmas - have I shown you this already - if I have forgive me but my brain is mushy these days lol
Other news... well I was supposed to go to the dentists today for the next stage of my implant work, the part where it meant I could count down to getting rid of the denture... but guess what IT SNOWED!!! and when I say snowed I mean snowed! I forget the last time I saw REAL SNOW - you know the type that is all fluffy and powdery and DEEP... (normally I am in Spain when it snows)..... My kids Jazz and China are absolutely loving it; considering they are 18 and 16 respectively and this is the 1st snow of any real proportions that they remember, it is a significant day.
Snow is GOOD when it is clean, and soft and powdery. I know that it will turn to ice then dirty slush soon - but hey I can enjoy it for today (and tomorrow) by all accounts as it is - PICTURE PERFECT...
I am going to head into my art room now and see if I can finish of my latest creations, will post pictures when completed - I am quite excited with my current project :-)

I love your Giveaway & would love to be included please…
Do pop on over to My Place [if you haven’t already] & see what I’ve got to giveaway too[# 768 in the Gypsy Caravan]… OOroo … Bethel … Down Under
What a wonderful giveaway dear Dawn!!! Glad you were able to get on the caravan!!!! Please enter my name in your drawing and thank you for stopping by and entering mine.
I really like the mirror your friend made for you. What a lovely gift. And thanks for stopping by my blog during One World - One Heart! :-)
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